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In NIKISA Dementia Village and Alzheimer’s hospital, after the admission process the PwD (patient with dementia) will not be placed into the ward immediately. As the admission formalities are completed a procedure commences in the hospital. There is a special ward called as TRIAGE WARD, where in after the admission the PwD will be placed in this Triage ward, the PwD will be staying here for few days after the admission.

In the triage ward at NIKISA Dementia Village and Alzheimer’s Hospital, one of the family member of the PwD will stay and along with two nurse assistants who will be trained to take care of the PwD. This procedure in triage ward will function for few days to know about the PwD, their priorities, theie likes and dislikes will be recorded, their food habits will be noted and food will be provided in a safe and hygienic method.

After the end of their stay at the triage ward, all required information will be noted. One of the two nursing assistants from the triage ward will be placed to attend the PwD. The particular Nursisg Assisstant will continue to take care of the PwD during their stay at NIKISA Dementia Village and Alzheimer’s Hospital. After determining the PwD priority, severity and stage of their condition the PwD will be shifted to the other ward with the nurse assistant.

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